Usually, people think that cosmetic procedures are only designed for the rich, but the tummy tuck surgery is becoming more and more popular. Some of us are not able to get rid of that stubborn fat in the lower abdomen, which is when this procedure can do wonders.
Many skilled doctors are able to offer this procedure, and you should consider the professional tummy tuck Sydney at Breast & Body Clinic or do your own personal research. Just make sure to visit a reputable clinic and a surgeon with a lot of experience and many satisfied patients.
A tummy tuck can really reshape your body.
Whether your pooch was caused by pregnancy, genetics or maybe significant weight loss, removing the excess skin and tightening your muscles will provide a lot of good benefits. If you are thinking of getting this procedure, there are a couple of things you might want to know beforehand.
- Not designed to help you lose weight.
First of all, this is not a procedure that will help you lose weight. The right candidates for this procedure are those who are within their normal weight range, so do not expect a magical procedure. In addition, if you do not change something about your diet and exercise plan, you can gain the tummy fat back.
- Different types of scars
The location and the size of your scar will depend on the type of tummy tuck you need. A traditional tummy tuck will leave you with a scar from hip bone to the other, but the surgeons will do their best to hide that scar under the bikini line. You can also have a scar around your belly button as it will be relocated during the procedure.
- It is not cheap
Keep in mind that your insurance will only cover costs of surgeries that are medically necessary, and the tummy tuck procedure is not one of them. So, make sure that you have enough in your budget for the preparation, procedure and the aftermath of this procedure.
Liposuction and tummy tuck often go hand-in-hand
- Other procedures can be offered.
Often times, patients freak out when their surgeons recommend liposuction as well as the tummy tuck, but those two are often performed together. The liposuction procedure is great for the tummy tuck, as it helps with the sculpting. Sometimes, your surgeon can offer a different procedure to help a different cause, like male breast removal Surgery according to Breast & Body Clinic and others.
- You will need help!
After the procedure, you will be allowed to go home, but you will need help from family and friends to get around. You should not have any strenuous activities, as this surgery can be quite uncomfortable after.
Final word
The results of this procedure are great, and while they will surely give you the results you are looking for, you need to know the risks and possible complications. Make sure to know everything there is to now about this procedure and your options.