Why Cold Brew Coffee Is the Perfect Summer Drink

Whether you drink coffee early in the morning to blow away the cobwebs or as an afternoon pick-me-up, the summer weather can make it difficult to enjoy a warm cup of joe.

Should you ditch your favorite beverage altogether? How are you going to get your caffeine fix?

The solution: cold brew coffee.

Cold brew coffee vs. iced coffee

But, what exactly is cold brew coffee? How does it differ from iced coffee?

Iced coffee is essentially hot-brewed coffee with ice added to make it cold.

Cold brew coffee is different for a few reasons. For starters, as its name implies, this beverage is brewed using cold water. There is no heat involved.

Compared to hot-brewed coffee which can be prepared in a few minutes, the coffee grounds in cold brew need to be steeped for several hours.

What makes cold brew better?

There are a few reasons why cold brew coffee is better than iced coffee or even a fresh cup of hot-brewed coffee.

Less acidity

It is not unusual for some avid coffee drinkers to ditch their favorite drink because it triggers stomach acidity. With cold brew, you can enjoy coffee minus the acidity.

It boils down to how the coffee is brewed. With cold brew, less oil is released from the coffee beans. These oils can adversely affect people suffering from heartburn and other stomach problems.

Lower caffeine

Cold brew coffee’s lower caffeine content makes it the ideal drink for people who are prone to coffee jitters and those who want to boost performance in the gym.

Although caffeine content can vary based on different factors, overall, the caffeine level in cold brew is considerably lower than that of a mug of hot coffee.

That lower caffeine content can also help you minimize your risk for osteoporosis.

Fewer additives needed

Compared to its hot counterpart, cold brew coffee is naturally tastier. This means that you have a good reason to not add more sugar and cream, translating to lower caloric intake.

Plus because ice is eliminated from the equation, the flavor is not diluted. You’ll get a consistent taste, sip after sip.

Lasts longer

After brewing one batch of cold brew, you can put it in the fridge in its concentrate form for up to two weeks with worrying about a change in flavor. This is because the absence of heat in the brewing process eliminates variations in the coffee from a chemical standpoint.

Making more with less

A fresh batch of cold brew coffee contains about twice the caffeine content of hot-brewed coffee. This is why, depending on your personal preferences, you may need to dilute it with water before adding any cream and sweetener.

If you regularly drink coffee, this means that you can spend more time enjoying your drink and less time prepping.

Good for the environment

Not only does cold brew taste good, but it can also be beneficial for the environment. For starters, it is easy to make it at home. This means you can forgo buying coffee in plastic cups. Second, you can brew it without electricity, lowering your carbon footprint.

Brewing the perfect blend

Making cold brew coffee is a simple and straightforward process that almost anyone can do. To whip up a batch, you will need:

Start the brewing process by putting your coffee inside the French press. After that, add in your four cups of water. That’s it, basically. All you have to do is to let the coffee grounds steep inside the fridge for about eight to 12 hours.

The following day, remove the coffee grounds and then add more water to dilute your cold brew. Pour coffee into a tall glass and then add you preferred creamer and sweetener, and enjoy!

For an especially hot summer day, you can pour your cold brew directly into a blender and then add up to eight scoops of your favorite ice cream instead of creamer and sweetener. Pulse the blender for about 15 seconds or until your concoction becomes creamy, and serve in a tall glass.