What Happens During a Hair Transplant?

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One of the biggest challenges as you get older as a man, is trying to maintain that semblance of youth when your body is really not playing along! You might want to dress up like a dashing viscount from those old Mills and Boons novels but your hair — oh dear! Your hair is just not ready to play nice. You have been noticing that receding hairline that seems to get worse with every passing month and no matter how much body positivity and owning how you look is preached to us — we know it — your confidence is dwindling and you are really desperate to control all the hair fall!

This is why a lot of people today are looking into options of hair transplant in London — come to think, however, the idea of finally having hair where there was none can actually be quite a lot to get by! So to make the thought easier and help you understand the process we had a talk with some of the best surgeons known for hair restoration in London and this is what they really had to say:

Firstly, there are two kinds of treatment procedures that exist that can be opted for, when trying to cure your alopecia, the most popular one out of them is FUE or follicular unit extraction hair transplant in London. Most of the patients and by that we mean a whopping 80 per cent of them, opt for it. The reason why it is so popular, is because the treatment roughly lasts for about 6-7 hours, and the patients can go home the same day if they choose to do so. In FUE, your surgeon takes hair follicles individually from the side of your scalp and also the back — these hair follicles are then taken out and re-planted as a method of hair loss prevention in London.

One of the greatest advantages that FUE presents is that there is minimal scarring, at max you might see some scabs, which do end up healing in two weeks. This also makes FUE as a method of hair transplant in London, most suitable for people who like to sport short hairstyles as the scarring on the scalp is not that conspicuous. Since anaesthetic is applied to the patient’s scalp before the extraction and transplantation take place – the procedure is relatively pain-free. Apart from their doctor’s advice would be to take a week off post this procedure for hair restoration in London– not that it will hamper your day to day life if you can’t but why not rest it out.

The other traditional method for hair loss prevention in London would be FUT or follicular unit transplantation wherein a strip of skin is removed surgically from the donor’s scalp and the hair follicles thus extracted are then further divided into individual strands and transplanted into the spots with no hair. Once the implantation is complete they inundated sections can help in achieving natural-looking hair growth. Hair transplant in London can typically take anywhere around four hours or even longer and the stitches are generally taken care of in about 10 days post the procedure is completed. Your number of sessions needed, depends on the extent of hair growth that you require — if there is a lot of hair needed then our transplant sessions may be spaced several months apart so that every successive hair restoration in London session can heal fully before the next one.

Post your procedure of choice, it is quite natural for the hair that has been transplanted to begin to fall out – this generally happens and the 2-3 weeks mark. New hair growth is generally visible around 8-12 months after the hair transplant in London.Sometimes your specialist may also prescribe you medicines such as Minoxidil to Finasteride also known by their common names Rogaine and Propecia to help in improving the growth of your hair and also helping in slowing down any kind of hair loss in the future if any.

The best thing to be done is do discuss all your options with your surgeon when it comes to hair loss prevention in London, having a realistic view of what you can expect prepares you for any changes that are to come.