People have been strength training for centuries. Of course, people did not have massive dumbbells or barbells back in the day. Therefore, they had to make do with barbell and various other heavy objects. Surprisingly, they were able to achieve tremendous results. It shows that you do not need to have an expensive gym membership or an experienced personal trainer to experience success in strength training. Sure, they can be of great help for you but they are not a necessity and plenty of people have proven time and time again that it is indeed possible to make it on your own. One of the people you can take inspiration from is Ido Fishman.
Also read: The Common Fitness Problems and Their Solutions – Ido Fishman Sheds Light
This man is a master of a lot of trades and what’s most astonishing about him is that he is great in all of them. Whether it is the vast field of marketing or fitness, Ido Fishman has done it all and continues to break boundaries in order to show people that you can do anything you want as long as you put your mind and dedication towards it.
Strength Training and Why It is Important
In case you do not know, Ido Fishman is a massive advocate of fitness. He has been exercising ever since he was a teenager. And despite having so many responsibilities on his shoulder these days, Ido does not show any signs of stopping. He truly is an inspiration to people who want someone to look up to and learn from. If you are ever feeling down and out, just follow the advice that Ido Fishman has to provide and what he does in order to gain success and you will indeed make it big in whatever endeavor you want to succeed.
However, since this article is about strength training, let us stick to it and go into some further details discussing what Ido Fishman has to say about it. First of all, as most of you may know, there are several forms of training and most of them are effective. All of them help you achieve different fitness related goal. However, weight lifting or strength training is a completely different beast. A large number of people always dream of strength training one day but very few people actually follow through with their plans. What could be the reason behind that? Well, it is very simple. They are afraid that it is dangerous, time consuming, expensive, and will halt them from doing other important things in their lives.
That could not be any further from the truth. Similar to Ido Fishman, tons of other successful people strength train and follow several other endeavors in their lives. It does not stop them from achieving greatness. If anything, it helps them achieve even more things in life. Therefore, you should definitely consider strength training as it could do wonders for your body as well as for your mind.
Ido Fishman’s Strength Training Advice
Most of you might be thinking how a person as busy as Ido Fishman gets the time to do strength training while handling his tons of other entrepreneurial responsibilities. Well, the fact of the matter is that you do not need to spend hours and hours at the gym in order to achieve success in strength training. All you need is thirty to forty five minutes and you will be good to go, especially if you happen to be someone who is just starting out. Ido Fishman is a firm believer in being efficient with time. He applies this rule to his workouts and advises other people to do the same as well. Therefore, make sure that whenever you enter your gym’s doorstep for strength training, you have a plan. Not going in with a plan could cost you a lot of trouble and potentially lead to time wastage. There are tons of helpful workout plans on the internet that you can resort to.
All you need to do is make sure that the information that you are getting is solid. There are tons of online platforms and forums that do not provide authentic information. What ends up happening because of this is that you implement the wrong things in your fitness routine and do not see anything results whatsoever.
Ido Fishman has always been an advocate of playing things smartly. Therefore, when it comes to selecting a strength training program, it would be best to listen to what the seasoned pros have to stay instead of relying on people who are only trying to sell you a bill of goods. If you do not have enough experience, you can always take help from a friend or spend some money to hire a professional trainer to help you out.
That being said, tons of people have made it big in their strength training endeavors all by themselves. All they needed was the motivation for getting started and they used trial and error to learn and progress. You can do the same thing as well. Sure, things could get a bit frustrating at the beginning. However, if you are persistent enough and are willing to learn, the journey will become really enjoyable and will help you achieve mastery unlike anything else could. It worked and continues to work for Ido Fishman, so it should be good enough for others as well.
Strength Training Is Your Ally
No matter how young, old, or busy you are, do not shy away from strength training. Injuries can happen to anyone. However, if you play it smart and do not rush things, strength training can help you achieve great things. Your physique will improve and your mind will improve as well. People will respect you and will look at you in a positive light. This form of training can also help improve confidence tremendously. Therefore, lifts weights and eat healthy every day, and you will be able to enjoy a ton of success if you are consistent enough.